At the Blogger Event

Lots of tempura and lots of Pale Pilsen. Here's a funny thing that happened though. Me and Rhiz went inside the place to get a bottle of pilsen. I got myself a beer and looked for a waiter to have it opened. I saw one and ordered, “Waiter pa-bukas." He was wearing a blue long-sleeve and a guest name tag. Wahaha, shit.. he ain't a waiter, he's like a VP for a company or something. Nyorks, bloopers ang pucha. Nevertheless, he still opened it. Thanks to you man whoever you are.
Back at the TMB table, well, it was all party. You'd even think Taste Asia held the event for TMB. Waiters never left our table hauling bottles after bottles of alcohol as digicams were capturing moments in all directions. Bim and Mike were doing freestyle dissing while Fritz took photos. All was loud.
Here are some pics from Ade.
I really can't say much about anything else. I'm a nobody and I guess I wanna make it stay that way. Remember when I said that I don't do well do social events? Well, I sat in a lone table and tried to get the gist of the moment. I observed well. There is nothing.
Good thing my officemates were there. Now these three are well-known and I'm the odd man out. I believe everyone was asking everybody else, who the fuck is that dick with a hat?
From the cliquebooth...
And hey, somebody remarked to what I'm wearing. “He's got a Justin Timberlake hat.” Dude, its Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp...
Labels: Events
Dear TJ. Please stop being fat. Thanks.
Also, Mike, Bim, or the goat?
Dear Mike. Please stop sniffing glue. Thanks.
Oh yeah. I go with the goat. Hehe.
See? everyone wanted the goat, it should have not been taken out of choices!
Photos up, yeah yeah yeah!
Ohhh so you're the one in the fedora!
justin timberlake XD
Alright. Hey man ur a chef?!! holy chef!
Ohhh so thats what its called, a fedora..
Johnny Depp!!!
goatse! goaste!
Nice meeting you dude. BTW i like your fedora. i want one. but i know that'll make me look like a fat mafia or somethin. hehe
Hehe. Fat Mafia. Parang James Gandolfini.
i see someone who looks very much like our boss in that clique photo lol.
I'm not too sure who you pertain to. Anyway, nice blog, its meaningful.
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